Common House Martin (Delichon urbicum)Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea It´s January still, winter in my books, but there are cherry and almond trees in blossom. We still get a bit of frost, hailstone and they are salting the roads every now and again. Oh look a House Martin. Eh? […]
Monthly Archives: January 2011
Surprise of the day was a 1st winter Golden Eagle in the hills west of Alarcos Castle. I was watching the usual Marsh Harriers upsetting flocks of Lapwings along the river when I noticed some large birds a few kilometers upriver soaring on the updrafts. I guess they were vultures. […]
2011_01_19 PO – Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) 09Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea Well today was a sort of big up and huge down. I was viewing a Great Egret at the observatory in Peralvillo and let down my binos on the seat, took some photos of said GE and […]
2011_01_14 AL – Little Owl (Athene noctua) 02Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea There´s an old road through the “Dogs-Teeth” landscape in Extremadura where you are always guaranteed Little Owls perched on the rocks. They were something I always wanted to see more of around Ciudad Real. Well, just recently […]