Spanish Terrapin (Mauremys leprosa) It has always been a problem, and worldwide has caused some serious or even catastrophic environmental disasters. Take the Cane Toad or Rabbit in Australia, the Grey Squirrel or Zebra Mussel in Ireland, or in Spains case, the American Louisiana Crayfish. The Spanish Terrapin, above, is […]
Monthly Archives: October 2011
Blue–winged Grasshopper (Oedipoda caerulescens) I was out in El Chiquero for a picnic with my wife. You know, riverbank, blanket, chicken sandwiches, white wine, 36C heat, dried Manchegan countryside full of thistles prickling you from beneath the blanket, ants scurrying about. Idyllic… No actually it was very pleasant, apart from […]
Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus) Last week I was rather sick with a cold. The temperature was 26-30C each day and it killed me to have to stay in for most of it. Thankfully it´s passed now and I was able to get back on track and into the field. And […]
…without using missiles but with a camera and lens. Sometimes the pen is mightier than the sword and Ecologistas en Acción and EFE have reported this action in our protected areas to the authorities and the press. I have mentioned it before in a previous entry and now something is […]