Las Tablas, a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. Recently it has emerged that the waters entering the National Park of the Tablas of Daimiel are contaminated from untreated urban waste water causing widespread destruction of the aquatic plants within the park. Both the WWF and CSIC (the Higher […]
Yearly Archives: 2011
I spent the weekend out at Ruidera Natural Park on the border of Albacete and Ciudad Real and saw a lot of these sublimely coloured Violet Dropwings. Sadly I didn´t bring my camera to where I saw them as we went by canoe and my wifes P+S was set to […]
To escape the heat of town I popped out the road to Alarcos by the river specifically to see what odontate action I might find…and there was plenty. Take the gorgoeus female Red-veined Darter, isn´t she just a beautiful compliment to the male of the previous entry? Red-Veined Darter – […]
Red-Veined Darter (Sympetrum fonscolombii), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. Whilst the soporific heat here in la Mancha means a lot of people are staying in cool areas if wise, and also eating less and generally salads and fruit, this doesn´t seem to affect the insect life who […]
It´s hot, hot, hot!!! This is the forecast for the next few days, which tells me that I either get roasted or stay out of the heat. Where to do that? I think I may have to build a water hide so I can stay cool whilst shooting. Also the […]
Okay, so Uisce Beatha is the Gaelic for whiskey, but the water in la Mancha now is providing many of natures creatures with life giving resources. And that´s important because it´s getting hot here, very hot. Yesterday was about 34C and the afternoons are a killer in the sun. Thankfully […]
Well I had to remove a virus from my wifes school computer and anyway, it´s far too hot here at the moment to be out mid-afternoon. So I went out to Peralvillo for an hour or so late in the evening. I had a grand chat with the local cow-herd […]
Common Kingfisher – female (Alcedo atthis), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. No, not the boat but the Common Kingfisher. I was told recently that the kingfisher population took a bit of a hit due to the harshness of the winter here in Spain, something which seemed quite […]
Map courtesy of used with permission Bueno, por todos mis amigos español, creo que es una molestia leer en inglés si no tienes una buena base de la idioma. Entonces, quiero una buena traducción de mi blog, pero sin escribir todo dos veces porque soy un poco perezoso. Ya […]
Mouflon – male (Ovis orientalis), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. This male mouflon is the first one that I have seen and was out near Picón. I first thought it was a dead goat on the hill I was scanning for owls or raptors, but then the […]