Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) I had just been explaining to Mrs. HibernoManchego this past weekend what an LBJ was. An LBJ, if you don’t know, is what birders tend to use when referring to the many passerine birds of less notable plumage that are somewhat lacking colours that are not […]
Monthly Archives: September 2012
Western Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) with wing-tags OL I was out at the Laguna de Navaseca near Daimiel last Wednesday when a Marsh Harrier caught my eye. It was flying about the reeds as they do but this one was different. It had tags. The tags were orange and yellow […]
Rabbit infected with Myxomatosis It has been over twenty years since I last saw a case of myxomatosis, sometimes known as the mixie or myxo, and I had hope it would be longer before I did again. Alas, the other day in Peralvillo I noticed a rabbit who just didn’t […]
Rock Pipit (Anthus petrosus) The last time I visited Beartra Strand or Beach near Westport was a long time ago. And I remember it being a sandy beach where we had a barbecue looking out over the drumlins of Clew Bay. I was shocked this time however that due to […]
European Peacock (Inachis io) Not all Peacocks have feathers, nor are they all related. There are also Peacock butterflies, but not of the same genus. Take the European Peacock (Inachis io) above in all its splendour. A stunning looking butterfly with four big “eyes” which it is thought help dissuade […]
Sun Fly (Heliophilus pendulas) on a Thistle flower Back again in Spain after a month in a somewhat wet and rainy Ireland, I have the task of going through all my photos now. And updating my blog of course after the past weeks of neglect. So let’s start with some […]