There is a pond to the north of Daimiel not far from the Tablas de Daimiel National Park called the Laguna de Navaseca. It’s not very big but is always full of life. It is a delightful place for any birder, or even one not so interested, who loves to […]
Yearly Archives: 2014
Yesterday I was in Fernan Caballero, a small village in the Montes Norte region, to help organise an ornithological walking tour. The town council, as part of a program of showing the local people the richness of the flora and fauna right on their doorstep, want to do an excursion […]
Bearded Reedlings – a Year Round Resident One of my favourite passerines is the elusive, but well worth the effort of finding, Bearded Reedling (Panurus biarmicus), also known as the Bearded Tit but it is not a Tit, which is a year-round resident in Castilla la Mancha, Central Spain. They […]
On Wednesday night I had a brief dream about Spoonbills. I don’t know why, maybe because it was coming up to International Wetlands Day. Who knows? I did however wonder about how one might interpret it. I knew I had seen Eurasian Spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia) and taken photos of them in […]
As mentioned in my previous post about Calatrava la Vieja, the Knights of Calatrava moved from near Carrión de Calatrava to their new castle near Calzada de Calatrava in 1217. It is a most impressive structure high on a rocky hill overlooking a pass through the mountains from the Sierra […]
Castilla la Mancha in central Spain is a great place for birding, of that there is no doubt. However there is more to the region than just birds. Here in the first of a series of entries about the regions cultural richness I will start with the first part of […]