Temminck´s Stint (Calidris temminckii), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. In Peralvillo the other day I had the pleasure of seeing this Temminck´s Stint. It´s a very small wader and almost went unnoticed as I was focusing on the Collared Pratincoles that were there. The winter in tropical […]
Birding Dress Sense? So this is an exaple of what I mentioned in an earlier post about how to annoy a birder. I had spent five hours in my hide with the Collared Pratincoles, and various other waders, including a first for me, Temminck´s Stint. Then this guy turns […]
Two days ago myself, Javi and Angel organised a trip out to Peralvillo. Whilst having a chat and a walk by the marshy area near the farm to the right we found some new arrivals such as the Collared Pratincole. Collared Pratincole (Glareola pratincola), a photo by Mike at Sea […]
Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa) 02, a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. Partridge Country, land of hunters, closed roads, Encomienda de Mudela. Driving back to where I saw the two Spanish Imperial Eagles I again went towards Encomienda de Mudela. The number of partridges here is incredible. Yes they […]
Me getting interviewed for the telly. We´ll see if I get aired as I´m a bit rustic looking but I had a pretty good spiel about the Red-knobbed Coots in the park. Now I just need to improve my fluency. Update 04 Sep. 2012: Here’s the video clip.
Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. Well after last Fridays tragic accident involving the paralysis of my 40D I bought a 7D and took it to the Tablas yesterday. What a great day. There were White-headed ducks, the Crested Coots, a Moustached Warbler which […]
Well last Friday my 40D and 500mm took a tumble on the tripod. Luckily the legs weren´t fully extended so the drop wasn´t that far. Still though it was far enough to wreck the frame of the 40D. It was a brave thing it did and took the brunt of […]
Spanish Imperial Eagle – juvenile (Aquila adalberti), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. …are the future of the race tomorrow. This juvenile Spanish Imperialist was flying about with it´s tagged parent just up the road called Encomienda de Mudela. The adult came bombing down the road at low […]
Sawfly Orchid (Ophrys tenthredinifera) I´ll say it again, La Mancha is not a dust bowl of sleepy villages but a vibrant region of colour. Every spring there is a myriad of orchids screaming for your attention in the country. The variety and colour is fantastic. Take this Sawfly Orchid […]
1. Drive a quad-bike around a Nature Reserve. The birds love loud exhausts. 2. Use the newly built hide for fishing from and walk around it talking and wearing brightly coloured shirts. Don´t bother using the 100 or so properly built fishing steps. 3. Let your dog off a leash, […]