Here at Oretani Wildlife it’s not all about birds, or more recently about the construction of our guest accommodation, or the rain which hasn’t stopped either. We also offer a cultural view of our region, Castilla la Mancha, to our guests. And what could be more of a colourful and […]
The Tabla de la Patata, Picón. Near our new house and guest accommodation in Picón the River Guadiana flows by about 500 metres down the road. You can go down the main road to it where the Marsh Harriers fly about or you can take the small country dirt road […]
Oretani Wildlife is based in a village called Picón in an area called Montes, which is a comarca, or region of Ciudad Real made up of a few small towns and pueblos or villages. Known formally as Montes, the area has set up an association between the towns and villages […]
Yet every cloud has a silver lining! As I mentioned in my last post about the house it’s been wet here in La Mancha. So wet that the weather people say we’ve had 20% more rain this year than last year. It really is a feast or a famine here […]
So nearly another month has gone by and the weather has been somewhat unkind to us. There has been plenty of rain and even some snow. Personally I don’t mind the rain, we need the water here, but it sure messes up a builders schedule. Anyway, we left off in […]
So, it’s been a while since I updated this blog, my Flickr account or anything really. I haven’t disappeared, I’ve just been busy. Sort of… The story is that, as some of you know, myself and Mrs. HibernoManchego bought ourselves a “casa de pueblo” in 2011 in a beautiful little […]
Walking in the Atalaya just over a week ago, a park on the outskirts of town, I came across something which I thought really had no place there, nor anywhere for that matter – a bird trap! Trap in a public park It was made from fine chicken wire with […]
Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) I had just been explaining to Mrs. HibernoManchego this past weekend what an LBJ was. An LBJ, if you don’t know, is what birders tend to use when referring to the many passerine birds of less notable plumage that are somewhat lacking colours that are not […]
Western Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) with wing-tags OL I was out at the Laguna de Navaseca near Daimiel last Wednesday when a Marsh Harrier caught my eye. It was flying about the reeds as they do but this one was different. It had tags. The tags were orange and yellow […]
Rabbit infected with Myxomatosis It has been over twenty years since I last saw a case of myxomatosis, sometimes known as the mixie or myxo, and I had hope it would be longer before I did again. Alas, the other day in Peralvillo I noticed a rabbit who just didn’t […]