Rock Pipit (Anthus petrosus) The last time I visited Beartra Strand or Beach near Westport was a long time ago. And I remember it being a sandy beach where we had a barbecue looking out over the drumlins of Clew Bay. I was shocked this time however that due to […]
European Peacock (Inachis io) Not all Peacocks have feathers, nor are they all related. There are also Peacock butterflies, but not of the same genus. Take the European Peacock (Inachis io) above in all its splendour. A stunning looking butterfly with four big “eyes” which it is thought help dissuade […]
Sun Fly (Heliophilus pendulas) on a Thistle flower Back again in Spain after a month in a somewhat wet and rainy Ireland, I have the task of going through all my photos now. And updating my blog of course after the past weeks of neglect. So let’s start with some […]
Montagu’s Harrier – male (Circus pygargus) The Montagu’s Harrier is named after George Montagu (1753-1815), who was born in England. It was through his study of harriers that he discovered that the Montagu’s Harrier was breeding in Southern England. He also proved many previously accepted species of birds were invalid […]
Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti) Recently on a trip to a road that shall remain unnamed in an unnamed area of Ciudad Real, I had the great fortune to come across a juvenile Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti) in an oak tree. It’s a special experience finding one of these […]
Iberian Marbled White (Melanargia lachesis) I’ve been fairly busy these past few weeks and not been keeping up much with my blog. Sometimes other things take priority. Anyway in an attempt to catch up, here’s a quick entry about three interesting invertebrates I found in the Ruidera Natural Park three […]
Underwing Moth (Catacola nymphaea) Myself and Mrs. HibernoManchego went to the Natural Park in Ruidera for a weekend of camping to escape the heat of the city and enjoy the crystal clear waters of the lakes. When we arrived we were greeted by thousands upon thousands of moths flying about […]
Underwing Moth (Catacola nymphaea) I mentioned in a previous entry about Hawk-moths how they try to blend in with the darker parts of nature, whether that be lichen, bark or just the night itself. But many moths are just as colourful as butterflies but keep it hidden beneath their darker […]
Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris) It really is butterfly season. During my walks, particularly those along the river where the vegetation is thickest, insect life is in abundance. Wherever you step there are damselflies and dragonflies, butterflies and grass moths. One of the species of butterfly that is out in abundance […]
Sardinian Warbler – male (Sylvia melanocephala) Sardinian Warblers are great. I was walking about in the Atalaya Forest Park (see the male below) on the edge of town looking for butterflies amongst the mediterranean bush up there when I heard the loud, and not totally un-melodic, sound of one. Sure […]