Butterfly Orchid (Anacamptis papilionacea), a photo by HibernoManchego on Flickr. Some of the recent rain we have had is starting to bring out some of the orchids. So far I have only seen 2 species but after the bit of rain again this past weekend I look forward to seeing […]
A bit of a long entry today, but I thought that I would write about the various species of wagtails we have in Western Europe. Within this group of birds made up of Pipits and Wagtails they provide a huge diversity of regional subspecies each with their own characteristics. We […]
Bateleur female (Terathopius ecaudatus) I can’t believe it. I have just seen the news yesterday that a juvenile Bateleur Eagle has been sighted in Algeciras, Spain. This is the first ever sighting of one here and even in Europe! I remember my first and only time seeing one, in Botswana, […]
An Osprey in Cuba After a great weekend at a homebrewer friends house for the weekend, myself and Mrs. HibernoManchego decided to do some birding on the way home. We came back via one of our favourite roads in Extremadura between Campanario and the La Serena reservoir to look for […]
Spotted Crake (Porzana porzana) I went to the Laguna Navaseca having received word of a Bittern there. The Bittern didn’t show after much searching, not that I expected it to be all that obvious, however the day was not without its surprises. At the Navaseca, I managed to count 36 […]
Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) This past weekend myself and Mrs. HibernoManchego took the Brown Cow and went to FIO in Monfragüe National Park. FIO is the Feria Internacional de Ornitología, or the International Birdwatching Fair Extremadura, that they have in the village of Villareal de San Carlos inside the Park […]
Bluethroat female (Luscinia svecica cyanecula) The Bluethroat has been a species that for some reason this year has been more visible than other years. It was rare I saw them before and then this winter…it’s a regular parade of them. Now there really shouldn’t be any reason to discuss the […]
Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) They think that the etymology, or origin, of the kingfishers name comes from the old Norse Kungsfiskare and then put onto modern use by the Normans. An interesting observation on the origin of their name also comes from some tombs in Fontevraud, France where Henry II […]
Garganey (Anas querquedula) A visit to the Tablas of Daimiel is a must for those interested in wetlands. It is one of the most unique and important wetlands of Europe and holds a special place for us here in La Mancha. Even though our wetlands are continuously under threat from […]
European Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria) Today was the International Day of the Wetlands which here in La Mancha we have some of the best in the world. Continuously under threat by man, agriculture, habitat loss and climate change they play a vital role not only for flora and fauna, but […]