Spanish Sparrow (Passer hispaniolensis) Recently in Hampshire, England a Spanish Sparrow has appeared and causing quite a stir. A twitch it´s called. Twitching is a term used to describe the “pursuit of a previously located bird” according to Wikipedia. Basically when someone sees a bird not normally seen in an […]
Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleuchos) The Laguna de Navaseca was superb yesterday. It really is a tiny gem. Only 15km from the Tablas National Park which is beautiful, orderly and expansive, the Navaseca is small, dumpy and smelly. But that doesn´t affect anything. It always performs. It has ducks, waders, egrets, […]
Spanish Imperial Eagle – juvenile (Aquila adalberti), a photo by HibernoManchego (formerly Mike at Sea) on Flickr. Today SEO/Birdlife Spain announced what would appear to be a very bad start to the year for the extremely vulnerable Spanish Imperial Eagle. Six birds were found dead due to poisoning in la […]
…without using missiles but with a camera and lens. Sometimes the pen is mightier than the sword and Ecologistas en Acción and EFE have reported this action in our protected areas to the authorities and the press. I have mentioned it before in a previous entry and now something is […]
Time for the second part of this story dealing with the voyage and a bit of history. We sailed from Knightstown, Valentia to Derrynane Harbour on my cousins yacht Janus. It is thus named due to having two heads (toilets in maritime speak) and Janus was a Roman god of […]
Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. There are few places in the world that make me marvel over the abundance of wildlife more than the Skelligs off the coast of Kerry, Ireland. A trip to the rocks is both a trip back in time […]
Well I had to remove a virus from my wifes school computer and anyway, it´s far too hot here at the moment to be out mid-afternoon. So I went out to Peralvillo for an hour or so late in the evening. I had a grand chat with the local cow-herd […]
Birding Dress Sense? So this is an exaple of what I mentioned in an earlier post about how to annoy a birder. I had spent five hours in my hide with the Collared Pratincoles, and various other waders, including a first for me, Temminck´s Stint. Then this guy turns […]
Me getting interviewed for the telly. We´ll see if I get aired as I´m a bit rustic looking but I had a pretty good spiel about the Red-knobbed Coots in the park. Now I just need to improve my fluency. Update 04 Sep. 2012: Here’s the video clip.
Well last Friday my 40D and 500mm took a tumble on the tripod. Luckily the legs weren´t fully extended so the drop wasn´t that far. Still though it was far enough to wreck the frame of the 40D. It was a brave thing it did and took the brunt of […]