1. Drive a quad-bike around a Nature Reserve. The birds love loud exhausts. 2. Use the newly built hide for fishing from and walk around it talking and wearing brightly coloured shirts. Don´t bother using the 100 or so properly built fishing steps. 3. Let your dog off a leash, […]
As I mentioned in a previous entry, imperialism is still alive in Spain. Today let´s discuss the nobility beneath that upper echelon. In my mind one of the most noble birds of the steppe has to be the Great Bustard. It´s always dressed like it´s going to an Indian dinner […]
2011_01_19 PO – Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) 09Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea Well today was a sort of big up and huge down. I was viewing a Great Egret at the observatory in Peralvillo and let down my binos on the seat, took some photos of said GE and […]
2011_01_14 AL – Little Owl (Athene noctua) 02Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea There´s an old road through the “Dogs-Teeth” landscape in Extremadura where you are always guaranteed Little Owls perched on the rocks. They were something I always wanted to see more of around Ciudad Real. Well, just recently […]
2010_12_09 PO – Common Crane (Grus grus) 01Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea Well the weather has turned miserable, despite today being very pleasant, so I think it´s safe to assume the winter is here. And so are the cranes. A few hundred flew over the reservoir today and looked […]
European Roller (Coracias garrulus) 03Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea I’m still catching up on some photos I took during my break. On my last day out I went to Alarcos, across the old bridge and down to the left. It was the first time I have seen rollers in […]
White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)in PeralvilloOriginally uploaded by Mike at Sea Coming back from Peralvillo last break I saw at the side of the road a pylon with a dead strok on it. There is a nest on a tree stump a few metres away from the pylon and what was […]