Temminck´s Stint (Calidris temminckii), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. In Peralvillo the other day I had the pleasure of seeing this Temminck´s Stint. It´s a very small wader and almost went unnoticed as I was focusing on the Collared Pratincoles that were there. The winter in tropical […]
Birding Dress Sense? So this is an exaple of what I mentioned in an earlier post about how to annoy a birder. I had spent five hours in my hide with the Collared Pratincoles, and various other waders, including a first for me, Temminck´s Stint. Then this guy turns […]
Two days ago myself, Javi and Angel organised a trip out to Peralvillo. Whilst having a chat and a walk by the marshy area near the farm to the right we found some new arrivals such as the Collared Pratincole. Collared Pratincole (Glareola pratincola), a photo by Mike at Sea […]
Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa) 02, a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. Partridge Country, land of hunters, closed roads, Encomienda de Mudela. Driving back to where I saw the two Spanish Imperial Eagles I again went towards Encomienda de Mudela. The number of partridges here is incredible. Yes they […]
Me getting interviewed for the telly. We´ll see if I get aired as I´m a bit rustic looking but I had a pretty good spiel about the Red-knobbed Coots in the park. Now I just need to improve my fluency. Update 04 Sep. 2012: Here’s the video clip.
Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. Well after last Fridays tragic accident involving the paralysis of my 40D I bought a 7D and took it to the Tablas yesterday. What a great day. There were White-headed ducks, the Crested Coots, a Moustached Warbler which […]
Spanish Imperial Eagle – juvenile (Aquila adalberti), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. …are the future of the race tomorrow. This juvenile Spanish Imperialist was flying about with it´s tagged parent just up the road called Encomienda de Mudela. The adult came bombing down the road at low […]
1. Drive a quad-bike around a Nature Reserve. The birds love loud exhausts. 2. Use the newly built hide for fishing from and walk around it talking and wearing brightly coloured shirts. Don´t bother using the 100 or so properly built fishing steps. 3. Let your dog off a leash, […]
Black-Crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. They have a black crown, like to be out at night, they just have to be the dark princes. This fine looking NH seems to be roosting in the two willow trees downstream from Alarcos bridge. I was […]
Great Spotted Cuckoo (Clamator glandarius), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. Bee-eater and Little Owl, a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. Great Spotted Cuckoos, Bee-eaters, sunshine, it´s all starting to come together. These were out by the old castle, Calatrava la Vieja, in Carrión.