2011_02_07 NM – Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) 18Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea This tiny wader is a not so rare visitor to La Mancha, and can be seen sometimes during the winter, according to my own observations. Being so small though it can easily be missed at only 15-17cm […]
2011_02_04 CdC – Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti) 04Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea Spain may be a democratic monarchy but imperialism still lives on the peninsula. I´m not talking about a movement in favour of taking back the Philippines or most of South America but that of the imperialism […]
Common House Martin (Delichon urbicum)Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea It´s January still, winter in my books, but there are cherry and almond trees in blossom. We still get a bit of frost, hailstone and they are salting the roads every now and again. Oh look a House Martin. Eh? […]
Surprise of the day was a 1st winter Golden Eagle in the hills west of Alarcos Castle. I was watching the usual Marsh Harriers upsetting flocks of Lapwings along the river when I noticed some large birds a few kilometers upriver soaring on the updrafts. I guess they were vultures. […]
2011_01_19 PO – Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) 09Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea Well today was a sort of big up and huge down. I was viewing a Great Egret at the observatory in Peralvillo and let down my binos on the seat, took some photos of said GE and […]
2011_01_14 AL – Little Owl (Athene noctua) 02Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea There´s an old road through the “Dogs-Teeth” landscape in Extremadura where you are always guaranteed Little Owls perched on the rocks. They were something I always wanted to see more of around Ciudad Real. Well, just recently […]
2010_12_09 PO – Common Crane (Grus grus) 01Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea Well the weather has turned miserable, despite today being very pleasant, so I think it´s safe to assume the winter is here. And so are the cranes. A few hundred flew over the reservoir today and looked […]
European Roller (Coracias garrulus) 03Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea I’m still catching up on some photos I took during my break. On my last day out I went to Alarcos, across the old bridge and down to the left. It was the first time I have seen rollers in […]
White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)in PeralvilloOriginally uploaded by Mike at Sea Coming back from Peralvillo last break I saw at the side of the road a pylon with a dead strok on it. There is a nest on a tree stump a few metres away from the pylon and what was […]