Bless me father for I haven’t blogged. It’s been months since my last blog entry. OK my son, just put up some nice butterfly shots and try to blog more often… And so here I am again, well into Autumn, and what a lovely Autumn we´re having, and I just […]
I spent the weekend out at Ruidera Natural Park on the border of Albacete and Ciudad Real and saw a lot of these sublimely coloured Violet Dropwings. Sadly I didn´t bring my camera to where I saw them as we went by canoe and my wifes P+S was set to […]
To escape the heat of town I popped out the road to Alarcos by the river specifically to see what odontate action I might find…and there was plenty. Take the gorgoeus female Red-veined Darter, isn´t she just a beautiful compliment to the male of the previous entry? Red-Veined Darter – […]
Red-Veined Darter (Sympetrum fonscolombii), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. Whilst the soporific heat here in la Mancha means a lot of people are staying in cool areas if wise, and also eating less and generally salads and fruit, this doesn´t seem to affect the insect life who […]