Walking in the Atalaya just over a week ago, a park on the outskirts of town, I came across something which I thought really had no place there, nor anywhere for that matter – a bird trap! Trap in a public park It was made from fine chicken wire with […]
Rabbit infected with Myxomatosis It has been over twenty years since I last saw a case of myxomatosis, sometimes known as the mixie or myxo, and I had hope it would be longer before I did again. Alas, the other day in Peralvillo I noticed a rabbit who just didn’t […]
Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) Once again the hunting lobby is in the news. And here’s why. In the United Kingdom of Great Britain people like hunting, as do others worldwide. They like hunting pheasants, just like they like hunting partridge here in Spain. For this purpose many pheasants are reared […]
Spanish Imperial Eagle – juvenile (Aquila adalberti), a photo by HibernoManchego (formerly Mike at Sea) on Flickr. Today SEO/Birdlife Spain announced what would appear to be a very bad start to the year for the extremely vulnerable Spanish Imperial Eagle. Six birds were found dead due to poisoning in la […]
White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)in PeralvilloOriginally uploaded by Mike at Sea Coming back from Peralvillo last break I saw at the side of the road a pylon with a dead strok on it. There is a nest on a tree stump a few metres away from the pylon and what was […]